Gift Certificates Now Available!
Welcome to Alaska K9 Aquatics!
Looking for a way to help your aging dog keep fit into their senior years? Or perhaps you have a dog with A LOT of energy, or an overweight dog that could use more exercise.
Has your veterinarian suggested swimming would help your pre or post-surgical or injured dog? Or maybe you’d like to shake up your routine of walking your dog outside on our long cold winters. Or maybe it’s as simple as the fact that your dog loves the water and you love your dog!
Whatever your reason, with water exercise offering more than 10x the resistance to movement than land exercises, Alaska K9 Aquatics with its 18’ X 35’ pool constructed specifically with your canine in mind, will quickly become a favorite place for both of you!
Jillie The Yorkie Learns to Love Swimming
Swim Party!
Who Knew These Breeds Love Swimming?
The perfect gift for any occasion, Alaska K9 Aquatic gift certificates can be purchased for any amount by calling us and can be redeemed for swimming sessions and our pet products store.
Gift Certificates for:
$55 (Unassisted swim)
$65 (Assisted swim)
4 swim punchcards are
also available for purchase!
Call: 907.677.7946
(Questions Always Welcome!)

Gift Certificates!

Credit for many of the photos on this site goes to Pawprints, Howls, and Purrs Photography and James Haga.